
Re: file upload with mojarra or MyFaces, or Richfaces

From: <forums_at_java.net>
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2012 02:01:00 -0500 (CDT)

Thanks for your hint. Until now, I was just using Glassfish/Mojarra, because
it was here and it was easy. By crossing the borders to other AS, things
change. So, I just started claiming terrain. As so many disparate
implementations of JSF exist, it's harder, than it looks at first view.
Beside WebSphere I'm fighting jboss AS7.1 to start with Myfaces and Tomahawk!
As 7 doesn't start my application, but neither the tomahawk-examples. The
latter runs with tomcat, after rebuild and compilation, like the example.war,
but crashes with exactly the same initialization error as my application!
Happy manifold world!

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