
Textarea CRLF or LF only, both cases on same field depending on how

From: <forums_at_java.net>
Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 09:51:53 -0600 (CST)

This is a strange behaviour on which I became aware during application tests.
JSF2 on glassfisch 3.1

On the getter of the field I have an annotion Like @CheckMaxSize(max=8192)
together with a class extending ConstraintValidator<CheckMaxSize, String>

Persisting and hence validation can be initialized through ajax (partial data
execute and render) or by persisting the whole form. The latter interpretes
new lines in a windows manner as CRLF, while the ajax case send LF only!
Having a lot of new lines in the text, this can make a big difference of max
characters allowed depending of the mode of save! It confused me, and of
course it will confuse users!

Do any one have an idea, how both cases can be brought to handle a new line
identical? I don't bother if it's LF only or CRLF. The aim is to have the
same number of characters in both cases!

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