
Re: jsf 2 not work the inject a another bean with annotation ...

From: <forums_at_java.net>
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 03:32:49 -0500 (CDT)


I you send the project in format  zip    
It now seems to work, because I have inserted in the file faces-config the
declarations of the manageds beans and the managed properties    .

but if I remove such declarations the application  doesn't work.    
yet jsf2 it doesn't require more than to insert the managed beans and the
managed properties in the file of config.

the 2 manageds beans like you see they have the declarations with the
thanks for your attention.    


Sorry but I had you down about. I'm still not shown to be
effective. I also like you are case mauro2011. Please give me
advice to solvethis problem away. (Sorry my english is not good


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