
Help with resource injection

From: <forums_at_java.net>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2011 01:01:25 -0500 (CDT)

I have been forced to switch from Tomcat to Glassfish to test web services.
During this move I have found that the way datasources in Tomcat are made
are not the same as in Glassfish. I have read that resource injection is a
good way to separate the code from the data source, but have not found
anything that identifies all the steps involved. I have attempted to create
a connection to the datasource using the @Resource annotation, but it did not
work. I then started the Glassfish admin module and created a connection
pool (named supportPool - it is pingable) and a JDBC Resource named supportdb
that uses the supportPool.

I am on a short deadline and have been trying for hours to get this working.
I am using NetBeans to create web services and the web service client. An
help would be greatly appreciated.


public class MyClass {

   private @Resource(name="supportdb") javax.sql.DataSource supportDS;

   public void foo() {

     // At this point supportDS is null, from what I've read this should
contain a connection to the data source

      Connection conn = supportDS.getConnection();



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