
Re: jsf 2 not work the inject a another bean with annotation ...

From: <forums_at_java.net>
Date: Sun, 17 Jul 2011 03:38:21 -0500 (CDT)

1) You need not post your question twice. All people see your message very

2) JSF 2 works nicely and injection with annotation @ManagedProperty works
fine. A lot of people use it for now.

3) If so, then it is obvious that you have something done wrong. (Do not be
frustrated, there are a lot of opportunities to make some little mistake -
like providing unnecessary faces-config.xml and specifying wrong JSF version
here etc).

4) But since you did not show your sources, it is impossible to tell where
exactly you have done mistake.

[Message sent by forum member 'RodionGork']
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