
Re: demo of JSF2 ui components library ?

From: <forums_at_java.net>
Date: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 13:06:19 -0500 (CDT)

I CANNOT agree.  The point of a demo with source is not (only) to show case
the fancy aspect of JSF2.  Instead, it is more important to demo the usage
of the tags in action so that we can start using them immediately by copying
and pasting the source code and making necessary changes.  The APIs and the
Tag Lib Documents are helpful but quite difficult to use (without examples).

I always wish there would be more examples in API Java Docs.  Reading a full
(often lengthy) page of Java Docs to find out some basic usage is too
expensive at best, IMHO.

[quote=dxxvi]I don't think there'll one because the JSF 2 ui components are
the basic html elements. So a demo like that won't impress anybody who
doesn't know what JSF is. To people who know about JSF, there's no need for a

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