Hi there,
Is there anyone experienced to read rowIndex from woodstock table component by using javascript? There isn't any good example from what I searched thru the web.
My woodstock component was wrapped with ajaxZone. The ajaxZone successfully sent to server and returned but couldn't get itself update to the correct texfield which reside in the respective table's row.
For Example,
onChange="DynaFaces.fireAjaxTransaction(this, {execute: 'tf_exchg',render: 'form1:ajaxZone1:table1:tblrowgp_sodetailbill:form1:[u]rowIndex(this)[/u]:tableColumn5:tf_qty'});"
The "rowIndex(this)" is what I tried to workaround and hopefully it translates into correct row index in order to render the value onto the respective textfield.
Appreciate if anyone of you can advise me. Thanks
[Message sent by forum member 'airqq']