
Re: Experience with stability, quality of Mojarra & Glassfish

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 16:28:39 PDT


I'm doing the same thing that you and I'm finding some weird behaviors like these:


I'm debugging the source code a lot because I'm creating a set of components to the company that I work. Of course there are things to improve, there is some limitations on extending some points. Some html components could be more generic and have more extension points. But in general it's a very good code.

I developed aplications with JSF 1.x for five years and the stability was great, and I think that we will achieve this stability with JSF 2 very fast.

For now, all people that I know aren't using JSF 2 for prodution. We still have 2 or 3 months to put our application in prodution. We are finding little weird behaviors, but almost everything is working good.

I think that the composite components and the JavaScript support for ClientBehaviors could be improved more. It could be more flexible. But in general we are happy until now.

[Message sent by forum member 'rbsrodrigues']
