
EJB timers not functioning properly

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Sun, 04 Jul 2010 08:29:17 PDT

I have an application using ejb timer service which behaves differently on different servers. After much trial and error I can pinpoint the problem like this: on the same PC, when I deploy the app with NetBeans everything is fine. But when I deploy it on Glassfish (in shell, at the same glassfish installation directory I issue start-domain), Schedule task (i.e. @Schedule annotated method) does not run. However, programmable timer (i.e. @Timeout annotated method) works.

Internet resources usually said please check the jdbc TimerPool. I can verify that the jdbc connection can be open, and I can read from the table EJB__TIMER__TBL. What else have I missed?

Please help. It's driving me nuts.
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