
Re: Error accessing _at_ManagedProperty in JSF2.0 across _at_ManagedBeans

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2010 10:15:58 PDT

Well there appear to be two possibilities (although I am open to the idea there are more). The first is that injection is broken is JSF (which version and implementation are you using anyway?). The second is that you are mistaken concerning when exactly B is created.

#1 implies there is a serious bug in a widely-used open source library. That is unlikely (although not impossible). Many people would have to had dropped the ball. Also, this is a pretty fundamental part of the library, so it is likely that others would also discover the issue. #2 implies that one person has made a mistake.

From an objective point-of-view it is much more likely that #2 is the actual scenario. So you need to do a bit of work before ruling it out and jumping to #1. Add some logging to see when exactly B is created and the id property is set. Construct a small example that demonstrates the issue. Once you have a small example that reproduces the problem and you are sure it is correct, log a bug report against the implementation of JSF you are using.

Oops, another step before logging a bug report: upgrade to the latest version of the implementation.
[Message sent by forum member 'raydecampo']
