
Multiple HttpSession creation while accessing sunjsf.js

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2010 08:59:45 PDT

we found that our webapp creating multple http sessions while accessing some JSF related Java scripts like for example sunjsf.js. most of the times new session gets created when page contains CommandLink.

So we further debugged JSF source code and figured out where this problem is coming.
[b]RenderKitUtils.java[/b] has method called [b]renderFormInitScript[/b] which is responsible for initializing sunjsf.js.

If i added jsessionId in by changing the source code of that method then Its not creating new session.
we are using JSF1.2_12 version for which cookies are turned off, If cookies were turned on then its finding existing session and using it.

any suggestions to get rid of creation of multiple HttpSession will be great help.

Thank you,
[Message sent by forum member 'ramunreddy']
