
problem with h:link tag in jsf 2.0

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Sun, 11 Jul 2010 15:14:19 PDT

I upgrade my old project from jsf1.2 implementation to jsf2.0 implementation, and replace some h:commadbutton with h:link. However, h:link only generates url without parameters.
eg. I use <h:link outcome="index?q=1" value="next">, it only generates /index.jsf. I use <h:link outcome="index" value="next"><f:param name="q" value="1"/></h:link>, it only generates /index.jsf as well. What I expect is that it should generate /index.jsf?q=1. Anyone knows what is the issue? Thanks
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