
dwarf gouramis and glassfish live togther?

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 2010 22:11:16 PDT

Can neon tetras, dwarf gouramis and glassfish live togther?
Im just wondering what combinations of fish work well together. I dont have a tank as of yet, but I do plan on getting a large one. I was wondering if neon tetras, dwarf gouramis and glassfish can live together without any problems? Also, is it possible to keep rainbow fish or even something a bit larger (about 4-5") that wont eat the tetras? I really like the neons and I think the gouramis are beautiful but Id liketo know what other fish (mostly larger ones) that can live with them peacefully.
Oh yes, Ive also heard glassfish are harder to care for, is that true? (I plan on avoiding the painted ones)
Any help is appreciated!

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