
WARNING: JSF1095: The response was already committed...

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2010 12:54:08 PDT

WARNING: JSF1095: The response was already committed by the time we tried to set the outgoing cookie for the flash. Any values stored to the flash will not be available on the next request.

this happens when you've got an AJAX enabled component like this:

                    <h:selectOneMenu id="sport" binding="#{teamView.inputSport}"
                        <f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msgs.selectOneLabel}" noSelectionOption="true"/>
                        <f:selectItems value="#{appView.sportList}"/>
                        <f:ajax render="club"/>

and you put something in the flash in the value change listener. I was trying to
work around the famous validation problem with dynamic f:selectItems lists
when used with Ajax, and need to get a value passed across requests, but
will now have to use the session map I suppose.

It's now got to the point where if I want to make forward progress on my project
I restore from backup.

[Message sent by forum member 'healeyb']
