
input component in ui:repeat and addMessage()

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 02 Jun 2010 03:32:11 PDT

The value to which input component in "ui:repeat" is displayed
is different according to "done/not done" and "SEVERITY" of "FacesContext.addMessage".

a) When "addMessage()" is not done, it is a value of BackingBean.
b) When "addMessage()" is done, and SEVERITY is FATAL, it is a value of BackingBean.
c) When "addMessage()" is done, and SEVERITY is not FATAL, it is a value input on the screen.

Moreover, it is always a value of BackingBean when input compoment is included in h:dataTable or it is not included anywhere.
Moreover, it is always a value of BackingBean when compoment is not input.(example. <h:outputText>)

Is this behavior a specification or bug?
How should I correspond to this behavior?
Please advise.

<h:commandButton id="change" value="change" action="#{NewBean.change}"/> <!-- not immediate -->
<ui:repeat id="list" value="#{NewBean.masterList}" var="row">
   <h:inputText id="code" value="#{row.code}" required="true"/>
   <h:outputText value="#{row.name}"/>
@ManagedBean(name = "NewBean")
public class NewBean implements Serializable {

    // List for ui:repeat
    private List<Master> masterList;

    public NewBean() {
        // create List and set inicial value
        this.masterList = new ArrayList<Master>();
        this.masterList.add(new Master("Code_0", "Name_0"));
        this.masterList.add(new Master("Code_1", "Name_1"));

    public String change() {
        // change value in List
        for (int i = 0; i < this.masterList.size(); i++) {
            this.masterList.get(i).setCode("Code_changed_" + i);
            this.masterList.get(i).setName("Name_changed_" + i);

        // add message
        FacesMessage.Severity severity = FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO;
            .addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(severity, "Change Success", "Change Success"));

[Message sent by forum member 'jandoe3527']
