
Re: [webtier] ui:composition with template behaving strangely

From: Joel Weight <digitaljoel_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 5 May 2010 14:26:15 -0600

Anyone have any thoughts on this? We are finding that we are having to rip
out basically all of our ui:compositions and try to convert them to
composite implementations. In many cases, this is a good thing anyway, but
is it expected that ui:composition just doesn't work (as described above)?
 It's like el variables are bleeding all over the place and not being
updated or something. Could it be a problem with the EL?

Here's our jsf related dependencies if it helps. We are running in GF3.






On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 11:22 AM, <webtier_at_javadesktop.org> wrote:

> I am seeing some strange behavior when trying to convert a JSF 1.2 app in
> GF2 to JSF 2 in GF3. It worked fine previously. Here is the problem.
> I have a simple page as follows:
> <ui:composition template="/WEB-INF/layout/layout.xhtml">
> <ui:define name="header"/>
> <ui:define name="content">
> This is contents. Test1 starts.
> <a:test1
> testAttribute="attribute1"/>
> <a:test2
> testAttribute="attribute2"/>
> Test1 ends.
> </ui:define>
> <ui:define name="footer">
> </ui:define>
> </ui:composition>
> Here is test1.xhtml
> <ui:composition template="/WEB-INF/facelets/tags/section.xhtml">
> <ui:define name="section-content">
> This is test1
> #{testAttribute}
> </ui:define>
> </ui:composition>
> And here is test2.xhtml
> <ui:composition template="/WEB-INF/facelets/tags/section.xhtml">
> <ui:define name="section-content">
> This is test2
> #{testAttribute}
> </ui:define>
> </ui:composition>
> The output you would expect would be as follows
> This is contents. Test1 starts.
> This is test1 attribute1
> This is test2 attribute2
> Test1 ends
> The output we are actually getting is as follows:
> This is contents. Test1 starts.
> This is test1 attribute1
> This is test1 attribute2
> Test1 ends
> Notice that the static content in test2.xhtml is using the content from
> test1.xhtml, but the new attribute value is used.
> If we remove the template from the composition, and instead use the
> ui:decorate tag, then things display as expected.
> Did the expected behavior of ui:composition change in JSF 2, or is it
> broken?
> Thanks,
> Joel
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