
Re: [webtier] form prependId=false not working

From: Joel Weight <digitaljoel_at_gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2010 10:56:24 -0600

Thanks for the response Ryan. I hadn't received your response yet when I
replied to myself this morning. Your clarification is perfect.

Thanks again,

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Ryan Lubke <ryan.lubke_at_oracle.com> wrote:

> On 4/6/10 9:45 AM, Joel Weight wrote:
> I know I'm talking to myself, but for anyone else that comes upon this
> issue, if I take the form and controls out of a composite component and put
> it directly in the page, it works as expected.
> You're not talking to yourself. Please see my previous response.
> I suspect can quasi-componentize it using using ui:include instead of a
> full on composite component if i have to.
> If this is a bug, let me know and I'll log it. If not, I would
> appreciate a link to documentation explaining why.
> Thanks,
> Joel
> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Joel Weight <digitaljoel_at_gmail.com> wrote:
>> Sorry, forgot to mention, JSF 2.0.2-b10 on Glassfish V3.
>> On Mon, Apr 5, 2010 at 5:27 PM, <webtier_at_javadesktop.org> wrote:
>>> I have this form in a composite component
>>> <h:form id="loginForm" prependId="false" >
>>> <h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.labelUsername}" />: <h:inputText
>>> id="j_username" value="#{cc.attrs.beanUser.username}"/><br/>
>>> <h:outputText value="#{cc.attrs.labelPassword}" />: <h:inputSecret
>>> id="j_password" value="#{cc.attrs.beanUser.password}"/><br />
>>> <h:commandButton type="submit" id="action"
>>> value="#{cc.attrs.labelLogin}" action="#{cc.attrs.action}" />
>>> </h:form>
>>> I would expect the various input IDs not to have the form's id prepended
>>> to them. This is the form that I get in my web browser.
>>> <form id="j_idt9:loginForm" name="j_idt9:loginForm" method="post"
>>> action="/comp/faces/test/login/testLogin.xhtml"
>>> enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
>>> <input type="hidden" name="j_idt9:loginForm" value="j_idt9:loginForm"
>>> />
>>> Username: <input id="[b]j_idt9:j_username[/b]" type="text"
>>> name="j_idt9:j_username" /><br />
>>> Password: <input id="[b]j_idt9:j_password[/b]" type="password"
>>> name="j_idt9:j_password" value="" /><br />
>>> <input id="j_idt9:action" type="submit" name="j_idt9:action"
>>> value="Submit" />
>>> <input type="hidden" name="javax.faces.ViewState"
>>> id="javax.faces.ViewState" value="3823458531816362878:8106158547383944399"
>>> autocomplete="off" />
>>> </form>
>>> Notice the incorrect ids for all controls in the form. Am I using
>>> prependId incorrectly, or is it broken?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Joel
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