I've been looking at this some more and finally (yes, I'm slow) figured out why it won't work. With a little finagling I got my class level validator evaluated in the validation phase
Since JSR-303 validators validate the instance of the bean that is marked with the annotation, and the validate phase comes before the update model values phase, the class level validator won't be validating the entered values anyway since they are still in the components and not yet in the model.
So, if I have a "new password" and a "confirm new password" field, there's really no way for me to do that now other than to mix validation technologies (JSR-303 for all my field level validation and tomahawk or custom JSF validators for multi-field validations)
I thought I saw a rumor about supporting class level JSR-303 validators in a future release of JSF, is this true?
[Message sent by forum member 'jweight']