
Re: Grim or Bright future to JSF

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2010 09:06:23 PDT

Euhm, after reading this post, I can only think of one thing:
Why modify JSF if you really want to standardize GWT?

JSF has a specific architecture, design and programming model. At the moment, this works for some applications, for others it may be less appropriate (public internet, very high load, etc).

You're suggesting to change some of the most fundamental aspects of the framework: In your story, I see major changes to the component tree, state management, probably EL, remoting must be added, probably another view markup language (if any, Java might be better, like GWT), different event handling, an entire new standard component library and more.

When changing so much, why bother rewriting JSF while there's another framework that simply fits your suggestion better?

No offensive intended, but if your scenario becomes reality, I think everyone's better off with a brand new framework, instead of a retrofitted JSF. And personally, I prefer Flex/JavaFX/Silverlight over a 100% JavaScript solution (like GWT or your plan).

So -1 from me...
[Message sent by forum member 'jkva']
