
How To Get Session Map From ServletContext

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 05:39:19 PST

Hi Everyone, i try to get HttpSessions from ServletContext(ApplicationContext)...Because i think this is the only way to learn if the user's session is time-out or not...i read an article about LRUCache of servlet engine but could not find any information how to reference it...How can i listen a specific user's session? do i have to use a java.util.Map to store sessionIds of Users and a thread to expire them after a period of time equals to the session time-out parameter in web.xml?...
I am using Glassfish v2.1...
Thx for your replies in advance...
[Message sent by forum member 'ilitheblack' (gurcan.ilker_at_hotmail.com)]
