
MessageContext.PATH_INFO and other props return null

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 01:29:02 PST


I am implementing some SoapHandlers and LogicalHandlers and needs some information from the request in these handlers. Normally this can be obtained from the MessageContext.

I noticed that not all MessagingContext properties are provided (null).
MessageContext.PATH_INFO - According to the JSR this would be mandatory.
MessageContext.WSDL_OPERATION - optional in JSR, but would be very useful!
MessageContext.WSDL_DESCRIPTION - optional in JSR. I don't understand why this is not available as it is certainly known in the endpoint (<endpoind-context>?wsdl).
Others are null asswel

Is this missing functionality? Should an issue be issued for the PATH-INFO?
Please advise in obtaining this information in my handlers, especially the WSDL_OPERATION as it is not trivial to recreate it from other information in the request and is the most crucial property for me.

[Message sent by forum member 'eltjoboersma' (Eltjo.Boersma_at_ericsson.com)]
