
Re: f:ajax and javascript events in JSF 2.0

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 2010 11:43:03 PST

I had thought of doing it this way, but like you say, its not quite ideal.

Unless you are running the same static script each time, you would have to dynamically build up the javascript you want to run in the backing bean.

Like for instance, if I want to fade out a div, switch to a different Jquery UI tab, or do anything 'fancy' JS wise in response to a server side operation, I would have to dynamically generate this javascript on the server side. Would probably get messy manipulating the string data to accomplish this.

Basically, I am wondering if JSF 2.0 is looking to embrace/leverage the existing js libraries out there. I'm not looking for tight / seamless integration, but even a primitive way would suffice for me in this situation.

Thanks for the reply, I'll be taking some more time to think about it, and will post what I find here.
[Message sent by forum member 'broeks' (broeks_at_gmail.com)]
