
f:ajax and javascript events in JSF 2.0

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Mon, 01 Mar 2010 22:28:58 PST

I'm attempting to integrate some JQuery UI features with JSF.

My layout is such that each tab contains a form that is posting to a session managed bean. I've been using f:event to validate each page, and f:ajax to submit each form. The problem I am having is that upon the result of the f:ajax call I want the javascript environment to have some information about the result of the f:ajax call.

I tried using onEvent, but the data in there is not helpful for what I want to do. Is there anyway for me to add data on the server side to the event that is passed to the "onevent" method (handleTabChangeEvent)?

 <h:commandButton id="buttonId" actionListener="#{sessionBean.doSomeStuff}">
            <f:ajax execute="@form"



function handleOutcome(event){



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