
Glassfish appears to be using old version of css file

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 15:39:58 PDT

I am running NetBeans 6.9M1, Maven 2.2. I used h:outputStylesheet to put a css file in the head of my facelets template. After cleaning and building in Netbeans, I go to the Glassfish admin console and undeploy/deploy my newly created war file and launch it. It appears to be using an older version of my css.file. When I did a view page source , it showed a MyProj\javax.faces.resource\styles.css.jsf ln=css. When I double click on it is shows me the older version of the css file. If I look at the war file in my Netbean project target directory, or the war file in the Glassfish domain1 deployment directory, it shows the newer css file. Can someone tell me where it is getting the older version of the css file. I can not find it anywhere.
[Message sent by forum member 'mlbrooks']
