
Re: _at_PreDestroy on a ViewScoped managed bean

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2010 07:17:56 PST

As i Understand @PostConstruct and @Pre Destroy do not correctly work under tomcat, they good work under application servers like jboss or glassfish. Under jsf 2.0 work only @PostConstruct. I read book of David Geary, Cay Horstmann, Core Java Server faces 2007, and found
"In particular, Java EE 5-compliant application servers such as GlassFish support these annotations. It is expected that standalone containers such as Tomcat will also provide support in the future." Too bad... because at the moment tomcat do not fully support its.
[Message sent by forum member 'armen2010' (armen.arzumanyan_at_googlemail.com)]
