Yes, it is set to 2.0
I did some more investigation and notice that the jsf-impl.jar shipped with "Java EE 6 SDKs (Last Updated: December 10, 2009)" does have a validateBean tag entry in the file META-INF/jsf_core.tld (Manisfest file suggests that the version is 2.0.0-Beta2).
However, I can't find the implementation class that is specified in that same entry : <tag-class>com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.BeanValidatorTag</tag-class>
Do you know where should this implementation be ? Why isn't it part of that jar ? And more importantly, why doesn't Mojarra 2.0.2 have the validateBean entry in the taglib ?
[Message sent by forum member 'beaupral' (]