Okay, here's a bit of a puzzle. I thought it was a bug at first, but now I'm wondering if it's a quirk of the spec. Here's the code:
[i]<html xmlns="
<!-- INTERFACE -->
<composite:interface name="inputText">
<composite:attribute name="id" />
<composite:attribute name="label" />
<composite:attribute name="value" />
<composite:attribute name="required" />
<h:outputLabel for="[b]#{cc.attrs.id}"[/b] value="#{cc.attrs.label}" />
<h:inputText id="[b]#{cc.attrs.id}[/b]" required="#{cc.attrs.required}" value="#{cc.attrs.value}"/>
<h:message for="[b]#{cc.attrs.id}[/b]" errorClass="errorMessage"/>
Nothing fancy, just a simple composite component to be used in a form.
The puzzling bit is that I get different results for what gets substituted for the three instances of [b]#{cc.attrs.id}[/b] in the implementation.
If cc.attrs.id = "name", I get id="name:name" in the inputText component, but I get for="name" for both the outputLabel and message components, even though I am using exactly the same EL for all three.
Here's the generated HTML:
[i]<label for="[b]name[/b]">
User Name or Email Address</label><input id="[b]name:name[/b]" type="text" name="name:name" />[/i]
and here's the Component Tree:
[i] <HtmlOutputLabel escape="true" for="" id="j_idt11" inView="true" rendered="true" transient="false"/>
<HtmlInputText disabled="false" id="name" immediate="false" inView="true" localValueSet="false" maxlength="-2147483648" readonly="false" rendered="true" required="false" size="-2147483648" transient="false" valid="true"/>
<HtmlMessage errorClass="errorMessage" for="" id="j_idt12" inView="true" redisplay="true" rendered="true" showDetail="true" showSummary="false" tooltip="false" transient="false"/>[/i]
(Here the two [b]for[/b] fields are blank, and the[b] id[/b] field is the one with the corrrect value of "name". Somehow a copy of "name" is added to all the fields in the final HTML rendering.)
I see in the JavaDoc that inputText [b]id[/b] is defined as just a String, whereas the [b]for[/b] attribute in the other two elements is a full-blown javax.el.ValueExpression that must result in a string. Is that the reason for the different result?
If so, what do I need to do to get the same value in all three fields -- which is obviously what I need in this particular case? I feel I must be missing something.
[Message sent by forum member 'tacitust' (tacitus_at_yahoo.com)]