
[webtier] internationalization: UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES et INVOKE_APPLICATION phases are skipped

From: Celinio Fernandes <papouasied_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 11:41:00 -0800 (PST)

I have this <h:selectOneMenu> tag where the user can change the language.
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{loginBean.langue}"  valueChangeListener="#{loginBean.changerLangueComboBox}" onchange="submit()" >
               <f:selectItem itemLabel="Langue" itemValue="langue"/>
               <f:selectItem itemLabel="Français" itemValue="fr"/>  
             <f:selectItem itemLabel="Anglais" itemValue="en"/>  
Here is the method of the managed bean :
    public void changerLangueComboBox(ValueChangeEvent event) {
        FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        if ("en".equals((String) event.getNewValue())){
             this.locale = Locale.UK;    
        } else  if ("fr".equals((String) event.getNewValue())) {
             this.locale = Locale.FRENCH;    
        log.info("context.getViewRoot().getLocale() is : " + context.getViewRoot().getLocale());
The method is called but the values of the current view are not updated. They are updated if i refresh the page.
Here are the sequence of phases calls :
1) User changes the language :
20:11:18,127 INFO  [STDOUT] Processing new  Request!
20:11:18,128 INFO  [STDOUT] before - RESTORE_VIEW 1
20:11:18,141 INFO  [STDOUT] after - RESTORE_VIEW 1
20:11:18,141 INFO  [STDOUT] before - APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
20:11:18,141 INFO  [STDOUT] after - APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
20:11:18,141 INFO  [STDOUT] before - PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
20:11:18,142 INFO  [LoginBean] context.getViewRoot().getLocale() is : fr
20:11:18,142 INFO  [STDOUT] after - PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
20:11:18,143 INFO  [STDOUT] before - RENDER_RESPONSE 6
20:11:18,150 INFO  [STDOUT] after - RENDER_RESPONSE 6
20:11:18,150 INFO  [STDOUT] Done with Request!
2) User refreshes the page :
20:11:37,402 INFO  [STDOUT] Processing new  Request!
20:11:37,402 INFO  [STDOUT] before - RESTORE_VIEW 1
20:11:37,417 INFO  [STDOUT] after - RESTORE_VIEW 1
20:11:37,417 INFO  [STDOUT] before - APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
20:11:37,418 INFO  [STDOUT] after - APPLY_REQUEST_VALUES 2
20:11:37,418 INFO  [STDOUT] before - PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
20:11:37,419 INFO  [STDOUT] after - PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
20:11:37,419 INFO  [STDOUT] before - UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
20:11:37,419 INFO  [STDOUT] after - UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES 4
20:11:37,419 INFO  [STDOUT] before - INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
20:11:37,420 INFO  [STDOUT] after - INVOKE_APPLICATION 5
20:11:37,420 INFO  [STDOUT] before - RENDER_RESPONSE 6
20:11:37,428 INFO  [STDOUT] after - RENDER_RESPONSE 6
20:11:37,428 INFO  [STDOUT] Done with Request!

Obviously, the  UPDATE_MODEL_VALUES et INVOKE_APPLICATION phases are skipped the first time.

Question : why are they skipped and how can i call them ?
Well I did manage to call these 2 phases the first time with these 2 lines :
In that case all phases are called. Still, I need to refresh the page to get the chosen language.

Thanks in advance for helping.