
f:viewParam with required="true" problem

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2010 15:39:19 PST

I have a page welcome.xhtml with

            <h:link outcome="home" value="Welcome demo - Manager">
                <f:param name="entryType" value="manager"/>
          <h:link outcome="home" value="Welcome demo - Customer">
                <f:param name="entryType" value="customer"/>

and then in home.xhtml

        <f:viewParam id="entryType" name="entryType"
                     value="#{welcome.entryType}" required="true"
                     requiredMessage="The 'entryType' parameter is missing. Invalid access for this page ...">

I use the links from welcome.jsf and access home.jsf page as I expected with the entryType param in the URL.

I enter the data in one of the fields in home.jsf page . This field has the f:ajax behaviour .

The page does one normal run through the lifecycle .

The second run through the lifecycle shows the [b]requiredMessage [/b]from the f:viewParam although the param in the URL is still there .

[ My welcome bean is @RequestScoped. Tried with @SessionScope and still same issue.]
[Message sent by forum member 'movemountfuji' (movemountfuji_at_gmail.com)]
