
Unable to get it work with Maven and embedded Jetty

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 22 Dec 2009 10:47:27 PST

tried using JSF2 with embedded Jetty and it's a no go. No @ManagedBean classes get recognized.
I've logged a defect with Jetty and they replied that it's a JSF2 issue:

I can only get it to work if we build a WAR and run that via "jetty:run-war". But this is very slow and cumbersome and kills the productivity of embedded Jetty.

We always run via "jetty:run" and every single web framework we use works fine with that (Spring, Stripes, Wicket, etc.). But JSF2 seems to require a WAR.

This is a showstopper for us as it basically kills your productivity dead.

Has anyone been able to get JSF2 working with "mvn jetty:run"?
[Message sent by forum member 'jacek' (jacek99_at_gmail.com)]
