
Re: JSF 2.0: Handling Relative URLs in Facelets Templates

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:22:10 PST

For some followup, I can get context-relative paths in h:graphicImage by just starting the URLs with a /. For example,

&lt;h:graphicImage url="/images/foo.gif"/&gt;

gets rendered as

&lt;img src="/my-context-path/images/foo.gif"/&gt;

Or, as I said before, I can put the images in "resources" and use the "library" attribute of h:graphicImage. And, for scripts, I see the benefits of the h: tags, since multiple calls to h:outputScript still result in the JS file being loaded only once. And, you can put the call to h:outputScript anywhere in the page. This lets components make use of JS files without having to worry about whether the file is already loaded. Similarly, if a component needs a specific style sheet, it is nice that it can do h:outputStyleSheet without worrying if the file is already loaded or needing to put the tag in the head section.

But, I still can't see how to do context-relative paths for simple hypertext links. I can't find an option for this in h:outputLink. So, I have been doing this kludgy hack:
A) Define an application-scoped bean named Context with a getPath method that spits out the context path.
B) Using this in the template files:

&lt;a href="#{context.path}/foo.jsf"&gt;

(Again, the point is that I have templates that are used by pages in different subfolders, and I need the relative URLs to come out right.)

There is nothing horrible about this, but since there is a builtin way to handle this issue for style sheets, images, and scripts, I suspect I am still missing the builtin way to handle it for regular hypertext links. Any clues for me?


- Marty
JSF 2.0 Tutorial: http://www.coreservlets.com/JSF-Tutorial/jsf2/
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