
Re: Question about #{cc.clientId} in composite components

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 06:25:59 PST

I think what's going on there is that the composite component itself is a NamingContainer. Inside this naming container, you are reusing the ID, so both the ez:custom and h:panelGroup have the ID "foo." Since ez:custom is a NamingContainer, it's clientId, "foo," is prepended to the panelGroup's, making foo:foo. If the form weren't set to prependId="false", ez:custom would be "form:foo" and the panelGroup would be "form:foo:foo."

Hope that helps.
[Message sent by forum member 'jdlee' (jasondlee_at_sun.com)]
