
Re: _at_PreDestroy on a ViewScoped managed bean

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 10:47:49 PDT

How do you do it?

I have just downloaded and installed Java 1.6u16 and glassfish v3 web preview, applied its one update, and copied in the oct 7 jsf jars.

My test bean is identical to yours except for the class name. I have two xhtml pages and a build environment as vanilla as possible. My test pages reference the bean and have links to each other. I even increment a static counter in case the log message gets lost for some reason.

I am building with 1.6u16 against glassfish v3's jars and deploying on glassfish v3 on Mandriva 2007 (which admittedly is not the latest).

When I click the links in the pages I see "starting view" over and over and over, but never "finishing view", and the counter is not incremented.

Can you send me your faces-config and web.xml and one of your xhtml pages in case I have some difference there?

And just to keep priorities straight, this is a "would be nice" not a "must have", I can always use a SessionScoped bean with a session listener instead.
[Message sent by forum member 'judys' (judy_at_apprisant.com)]
