
Re: Custom ELContext for a Facelet template

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2009 21:43:47 PDT

Imagine the following tree of templates (includes):

LayoutTemplate.xhtml --> ApplicationTemplate.xhtml --> UserTemplate1.xhtml --> UserTemplate2.xhtml

I want all templates to use the regular ELContext except specific ones that my application knows are user templates (and anything they include). In this example, LayoutTemplate.xhtml and ApplicationTemplate.xhtml would use the regular ELContext. UserTemplate1.xhtml and UserTemlate2.xhtml would used the sandboxed ELContext.

Maybe the ui:insert, ui:define, and/or ui:composition tags would need a new attribute for overriding the ELContext.
[Message sent by forum member 'rdelaplante' (ryan_at_ijws.com)]
