
Re: [webtier] JSF2: using JavaScript to update a component

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 2009 20:11:25 PDT

I hate to revive this again but...

Yesterday I decided to modernize and I downloaded Firefox 3.0.14 and 3.5.3 onto my Linux box (I won't say what version I was using ;-). I discovered that neither one executes the script in the Partial Response. So I tried Firefox 3.0.13 and 3.5.3 on my WinXP box, and they're not executing it either.

I do apologize for not trying them earlier.

What does work for me is Firefox on Linux, and IE7 and Safari (probably not the latest) on WinXP.

Here's the output from my Dojo console. printData is my onevent function. My onerror function did not get called. (and there were no server errors or JavaScript errors either).

printData, type=event, status=begin
printData, type=event, status=complete
responseText=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <partial-response><changes>
<update id="ff:diagram"><![CDATA[<div id="ff:diagram"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">console.debug('Hello from DRH');</script>]]></update>
<update id="javax.faces.ViewState">
printData, type=event, status=success

In browsers that do execute the script, I would see "Hello from DRH" either before or after the 'status=success' line. (Oh, and I have become compulsive about clearing browser caches:-)

Is anyone else having problems (or successes) with this in Firefox?
[Message sent by forum member 'judys' (judy_at_apprisant.com)]
