
Flash scope issue

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 2009 06:54:04 PDT

I used the flash scope the following way:
the page
<ui:define name="body">
                        <h:commandButton action="#{wizardBean.start}" value="Start"/>
the bean sending the user to the same page using a redirect
public class WizardBean {
        public String start(){
                FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash().put("wizardId", 4711);
                return "wizardstart?faces-redirect=true";


My expected behaviour is:
Flash value is printed on the next page. A reload of the page let it disappear.
This happens as expected but the next reload shows the value again and then the flash value finally disappears with the next reload.

I have 3 questions:
Is the flash scope a mummy flash scope which comes to live again?
Did I misunderstood how to use it?
Why is the flash scope not saved in the session instead of creating another cookie?

Best Regards
Sebastian Hennebrueder
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