
Re: [webtier] JBoss 4.2.4 and JSF 2.0

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 12:44:10 -0700

It works fine on our target platform (GlassFish). This is due to GF's
environment being different than that of Tomcat. It's a fairly unusual
bug - we've never encountered one before that cratered us on
non-GlassFish containers, while not effecting GlassFish at all. Due to
a class-loading difference, code that was supposed to be for
documentation only (primarily for tools) was being picked up by the

It's not practical to test on every other servlet container out there -
so we don't. Glassfish is the sole platform we do formal testing on.

Given this experience, I'll be taking another look at that as a
possibility, but resources are tight.

It's an open source product - we rely on users to report problems to us
in their environment. If you are interested in volunteering to do
additional testing, we'd welcome any participation you'd like to give.


On 10/20/09 12:33 PM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Yes, the current 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT build solves this problem.
> But it's astonishing that such a major problem can come in between RC2 and FCS.
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