
Re: [webtier] JSF 2 + JQuery ?

From: Felipe Gaścho <fgaucho_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 18 Oct 2009 17:47:25 +0200

Hi Jim,

two options:

1) you can checkout my example and see the problem

   hg clone https://hg.kenai.com/hg/puj~arena
   cd puj~arena
   mvn clean install eclipse:eclipse
   * you will find a module called "arena-jsf20"

2) You can create a clean sample or just explain me how to do that:

I have an EJB3.x bean, and I want to create a JSF ManagedBean that
injects a reference of this bean. Something like:

public class TestBean {
        @EJB private EjbBean bean;

I suspect that something in my pom.xml file is outdated.. since my
previous project was based on EJB 3.. but I am not sure..

thanks for any help.

* They just confirmed my session in JFokus, I am pretty happy and this
sample code will be shown on the stage over there :)

On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 5:43 PM, Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_sun.com> wrote:
> On 10/17/09 2:57 AM, Felipe Gaścho wrote:
>> any good example - quickstart tutorial on how to use JQuery with JSF 2.0 ?
> The short answer is no, no such example exists.  What do you want to do,
> exactly?  If I knew, I might be able to come up with an example for you.
> Jim
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