
Using _at_ManagedProperty

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 2009 10:48:55 PDT

I think I am misunderstanding how to use @ManagedProperty. I tried this:

public class Test2 {
  private Test1 t;
  public String getMessage() {
    return "I am Test2, message from Test1 is " + t.getMessage();
public class Test1 {
  public String getMessage() {
    return "I am Test1";
[Mojarra 2.0.0 (Beta1 b13)]

SEVERE: JSF will be unable to create managed bean test2 when it is requested. The following problems where found:
     - Property t for managed bean test2 does not exist.

I suspect that I am overlooking the obvious. What did I miss?


- Marty
[Message sent by forum member 'martyhall' (hall_at_coreservlets.com)]
