
Re: [webtier] JSF 1.2?

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 05 Aug 2009 14:58:24 -0700

On 8/5/09 1:50 PM, Jeffrey Blattman wrote:
> On 8/5/09 1:41 PM, Jim Driscoll wrote:
>> There's a number of v3 versions. Prelude comes with 1.2, Preview
>> (yeah, I know, confusing) comes with 2.0, and 1.2 (probably) won't
>> work with it - though 2.0 should run 1.2 apps...
> hmmm. the download page has "glassfish server v3" and "glassfish server
> v3 preview". there's no prelude. did you mean server v3?

It's there - you need to scroll down a bit on the page. (Look under
"Final Release" - that means FCS quality supported versions.

> further. the server v3 links brings me to a directory listing. would
> glassfish-v3-ea-* be what i'm looking for, for the version that runs 1.2?

Nope. That's a promoted build - the latest of which is build 56, which
is what I'm currently running. Pretty stable, though the error logs get
a little wordy. All versions of v3 except Prelude are JSF 2.0.

>> Prelude is production supported, but installing 2.0 on it isn't
>> production supported, though it should work, IIRC (2.0 isn't fully
>> stable yet). Preview is not production supported - it's our name for
>> our Beta. FCS will be out later this year.
> ok that's good ammunition to explain why we might not support preview.

s/Preview/Beta - that may help you understand what Preview is (it's a
beta), and why although you shouldn't support it for production, you
should get ready to, since it's what will eventually become the Java EE
6 FCS release, which we'll hopefully just call v3. (and that will
happen before the end of the year, so, pretty soon)

>> But really, anything that doesn't work in 2.0, that used to work in
>> 1.2, is a bug, and should be reported as such. Does ICEFaces actually
>> say they don't work in 2.0? That'd be odd.
> yes, they say they don't support it.

Out of curiousity, have you tried it with 2.0? As I said, it *should*
work - even with the interesting stuff that they're doing for ajax and
comet. Not that they'll answer questions if it breaks - they need to
limit themselves for supported platforms, or else they'll never get any
work done.

But even if it doesn't work, this should help:


Note that although they tested ICEFaces with Prelude updated to 2.0, you
could also (presumably) use Preview updated to the latest 2.0 release.
