
Re: JSF recalls datatable on POST

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 10:34:15 PDT

Is it a bug? Well, let me ask: Imagine that your datatable referenced an external model via the property - would you be happy that a repeated request returned stale data?

Although this isn't my area of expertise, I'd imagine that if you want to do caching, you'll have to write code that caches - only you will know that the data is stale. As I said though, it's possible I'm missing something here.

Another option (in JSF2) is to use an ajax command that only updates the part of the page you want to change - this would eliminate all of the overhead you are concerned with...
[Message sent by forum member 'driscoll' (jim.driscoll_at_sun.com)]
