>>>>> On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 09:06:55 -0700, Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM> said:
JD> Ah, but remember that the OP didn't want to reimplement every renderer -
JD> and that process has gotten considerably harder in the new spec as well,
JD> with the implementation of the Behavior interface and it's ajax
JD> ramifications. I'd hardly recommend it as a matter of course any more -
JD> it's just gotten way harder.
I still don't see why they'd have to re-implement any more than just the
ones they want to affect. Your point about Behaviors is a good one,
though. You may be able to do something where the existing behavior can
somehow be decorated.
JD> I wonder - would it really break that many programs to change the spec
JD> to remove tables and replace them with some smart (and unspecified in
JD> behavior, though specified in name) css?
No, there is no worry about breakage. It's just time.
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