
Re: [webtier] <h:column> alignment is not working

From: Jeffrey Blattman <jeffrey.blattman_at_gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 08:06:01 -0700

On 7/8/09 7:55 AM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Thanks for your reply Jeffrey. I tried the same way as per your instructions some how its not working. I read few of the articles abt jstl and jsf. they are also not recomanding to use it.
agreed, but i am not sure if the story has changed for more recent
versions i of JSF. i had tried it with some strange results w/ JSF 1.2.
> another option as you said, ui:repeat . How to use this tag. I mean what are the libraries do I need to download.
google "facelets". it's a JSP replacement that among other things
provides a native iteration tag and allows intermixing of JSTL and JSF
tags. if you already have a large project converting it from JSP to
facelets might be a big job, but if you are just getting started i'd
highly recommend ditching JSP.
> Thanks,
> Anil
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