There's a lot of stuff going on in there - it's chaining. Why? What
else are you doing?
It's unlikely it's "doing nothing". Have you tried firebug? You could
be throwing an exception (unlikely, but possible, I suppose).
Also, why add this programmatically, instead of in the page itself? Not
that that shouldn't work, but I'm always curious when folks do stuff
like that.
On 7/28/09 3:33 AM, wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to attach ajax event via code like this:
> myButton.setOnclick("jsf.ajax.request(this, event, {execute:, render: 'dataTable'}); return false;");
> Then clicking the button does nothing.
> The generated code is:
> <input type="submit" onclick="jsf.util.chain(this,event,'jsf.ajax.request(this, event, {execute:, render: \'dataTable\'}); return false;','mojarra.jsfcljs(document.getElementById(\'form\'),{\'dataTable:3:j_id22\':\'dataTable:3:j_id22\',\'categoryId\':\'225\'},\'\')');return false" class="formbutton" value="Hozzáad" name="dataTable:3:j_id22"/>
> It might worth mentioning that the button button that should fire the ajax request is acutally inside the component that should be rendered wich is 'dataTable'.
> Any idea?
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