
Re: [webtier] Radio button onchange+ajax

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 10:20:49 -0700

What browser are you using? I bet it's IE. Further, I bet it works on
Firefox, doesn't it? And Safari, too, right? (You are testing on more
than one browser, right?)

Is what you're seeing related to the buttons losing focus? I.e., is the
event only being fired when the focus is lost?

I IE only fires the onchange event when you surrender focus on the tag -
which is why you're only seeing it sometimes.

See here:


 From that page:

     This event is fired when the contents are committed and not while
the value is changing. For example, on a text box, this event is not
fired while the user is typing, but rather when the user commits the
change by leaving the text box that has focus. In addition, this event
is executed before the code specified by onblur when the control is also
losing the focus.

     The onchange event does not fire when the selected option of the
select object is changed programatically.

--------- End Quote -----------

One more reason to hate Microsoft. No other browser does this, AFAIK.

No, I don't know of a workaround. If anyone does... I'd love to hear it.

When reporting JavaScript client problems *always* say which browser
you're seeing the problem in - the default is of course IE, but hey,
Safari has bugs too.


On 7/27/09 12:54 AM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a SelectOneRadio:
> <h:selectOneRadio valueChangeListener="#{testBean.toggle}" id="sor" value="#{testBean.goods}" onchange="jsf.ajax.request(this, event, {execute: 'sor', render: 'pg1'}); return false;">
> <f:selectItem itemLabel="goods" itemValue="1" />
> <f:selectItem itemLabel="service" itemValue="0" />
> </h:selectOneRadio>
> When i click on the radio buttons, sometimes, the valuechangelistener won't get called. It takes one or two other click, to to get it called. The problem only exists with ajax+onchange.
> Can you reproduce the problem?
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