
Re: [webtier] JSF2: Facelet tags vs Composite components

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 22 Jul 2009 07:37:32 PDT

Thank you for the quick response. It's hard to find such documentation and your tips are really valuable.

> What about #{component}? This resolves to the currently processing
> component. You can access the attributes map
> with expressions such as #{component.attributes['attrName']}.

I think I tried this before but it's not working as expected if the components are nested. I tested it today and inside the nested component it gives me the parent one.

> <facelet-taglib>
> <namespace>http://domain.com/path</namespace>
> <composite-library-name>compositeTest</composite-library-name>
> </facelet-taglib>

This is cool and eliminated the need to specify the tags manually in the taglib file. I started using it and quickly ported all my current facelet tags to composite components.

> There are no plans to allow composite components to exist outside of
> /resources or META-INF/resources
> at this point in time. However, you can provide a custom
> ResourceHandler implementation to find resources
> in which ever directory you wish.

I understand that this is related to the ability to have such files in JARs. The custom location is not that important.

Thanks again!
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