
Re: [webtier] Getting servlet class from a HttpSession

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2009 23:54:30 PDT

The image is generated when the form is randered and saved to disk so that I can use a <img src...> tag in the html.
I need the session to store the String value shown in the image. Process:
- the user calls a form,
- the image is generated saved to disk and it's number value is stored in a newly created session,
- the user get the html with the image,
- he rewrites the code from the picture to a text field,
- he presses submit button,
- the value he provided is compared to the value previously saved in his session,
- session is invalidated and I want the image to be deleted.

How can I compare the value from the user with the value in the image if I don't have a session?
That's the way I've implemented thsi common mechanism. Mayby it's done in a different way.
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