
Re: Visual Web JSF. Problem in the prerender() method.

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Tue, 30 Jun 2009 21:53:44 PDT

Hi folks,

I have been debugging the web app and everything is ok. So the problem is the order where the different methods are executed.

I mean, when I call productosDD_processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {...} it gives me what I am waiting it does.

But when I call categoriasDD_processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {...} or subcategoriasDD_processValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {...} methods, the preprender(){...} is executed after I call those methods but before... what? I do not know. But at the end I do not get what I was waiting.

So I feel ok if someone gives me the url of a good tutorial to understand all of it. The rest fall in my hands.

Jose Alvarez de Lara
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