
failing to deploy composite component with own namespace

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 04 Jun 2009 10:33:34 PDT

I'm (after hours almost desperately!) trying to package and deploy a very simple war with 2 composite components, and I want to do it the "second" way mentioned in the tag library documentation under "Creating a Composite Component", i.e. with it's own namespace and a 'taglib.xml' file. The documentaion says, that the 'namespace' element in the taglib.xml is (in this example) 'http://domain.com/path' and the namespace specification in the xhtml file using the component is 'http://domain.com/path/namespace'. Where does the last path component 'namespace' come from?

If possible with this forum system I will upload my war, it's very simple (only 5 files, no Java). Some hint is very much appreciated, looks like I'm blind at this stage ...
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