
Re: JSF2 Relocatable Resources and Composite Templates

From: Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 13:19:50 -0400

On further investigation -- i've hacked it by extending the
DefaultResourceResolver to resolve files on the classpath.

I don't feel like I should have to do this, but for now it will do. What
is the 'correct' way to do this?

On Sun, 2009-05-31 at 12:45 -0400, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:

> I'm trying to package an entire template (.xthml, css, js, images)
> into a JAR file.
> If it is possible to use a facelet ui:composition template="" from a
> JAR file, how is this done?
> Everything about relocatable resources makes me think this should be
> possible... but not much success so far.
> Thanks,
> Lincoln